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A proprietary model to align what the organization is in essence (BE), with what the company does (DO) and how it expresses it (SAY), through the assessment of nine domains that allow us to apply the EPR model (Empathy-Purpose -Resilience) to execute a personalized diagnosis in which each identified problem is always accompanied by proposed solutions that are validated together with our clients.



We bring ideas to redesign areas, departments and leadership in order to make organizations lighter and more efficient.


We apply culture, practices, processes and digital technologies to change the organization, its people and its processes in order to make it more efficient and new businesses driven.

Operations and management

We identify opportunity for improvement, automation and the implementation of tools that boost productivity and efficiency. We propose management models based on better resource management and smart decision-making based on data.


We seek to build the necessary strategic bridges that allow creating the optimal connections between the business, the brand, and its audiences, highlighting the value proposition, with the appropriate communication strategy.


We work together with our clients to drive efforts to optimize lines of business, products or services while accompanying them in the development of new sources of income.


We evaluate how people interact, the efficiency of internal communication and the state of motivation. We work to redefine roles, responsibilities, mandates and improve the quality of leadership.


Pricing and Profitability Management

We know the problems derived from an inadequate management of costs, pricing and profitability.

We have identified the mistaken calculation of overhead, costs, prices as a common issue for most agencies. 

We have developed this comprehensive theoretical-practical workshop that goes through the entire process from cost to profitability management, including price, scope of work and negotiation.

At the end of the workshop, the agency will have received a methodology, concepts, formulas and spreadsheets for immediate application.

Design Thinking for new businesses

Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test are activities that agencies carry out regularly, even if they are not fully aware. 

For this reason, a) we have mapped the discipline of Design Thinking with the process of strategic planning, more akin to agencies, and b), we have adapted it and oriented it specifically towards the search for organic growth and new businesses. 

At the end of the workshop, the agency will have developed two complete cases, ready to put into practice. 

Development of account management skills 

The Client Services' function in ad agencies is the one that have been suffering the most, devaluated both from the point of view of the agency and of the clients.

We believe that this vital function for agencies must be revalued, to get out of the cycle of just "taking orders" as the main function.

In order to accomplisht such endeavor it is necessary to develop five basic skills: Strategic Vision, Commercial Skills, Delivery Management, Profitability Management and Customer Relationship. 

It is a theoretical-practical workshop that helps develop these skills and applies each concepts to real cases. 


AdMarket & Agency Profile (AdMAP)


An annual study of local agencies and advertisers that:

  • provides a comprehensive view of the market, facts and trends.

  • provides information regarding the perception and image of the agencies.

  • brings meaning to attributes and perceptions from the point of view of the market, customers and competition.

  • develops rankings based on different variables such as creativity, service, strategy, price.

  • it reveals a framework of opportunity for relationships.

  • it has a common and replicable methodology for any market.


  • Identifies the needs and preferences of advertisers.

  • Showcases trends in budget investment and demands for expertise and service from advertisers.

  • Rates agencies based on key attributes from the point of view of the market, the clients and the competition.

  • Evaluates the capabilities of the agencies according to the preferences of the clients.

  • Makes opportunities visible and proposes strategic directions for growth.

  • Positions agencies in the Brand Agency Power Map®.


  • A proprietary model that combines quantitative data to determine the positioning of agencies based on their Empathy, Value contribution, Innovation and Transformation capacity.

  • Each quadrant defines specific issues and opportunities for the agencies in the context of the market, its clients and its own capabilities.

  • It is built from data obtained from the survey: rankings, mentions, ratings and satisfaction rates.

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