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“Usted puede sanar su agencia¨ incluye un pormenorizado análisis de la situación actual de las agencias creativas en Latinoamérica analizando las causas por las cuales, en los últimos años, las agencias de publicidad no han logrado cambiar al ritmo que mundo actual de los negocios exige, que la industria requiere, que los clientes reclaman y que los empleados necesitan.

En el texto, se proponen acciones concretas para mejorar los márgenes, hacer crecer al negocio y cerrar la brecha entre “hacer” digital y “ser” digital en un negocio publicitario más diverso y dinámico que debe desempeñarse en un mundo en el cual la tecnología, la agilidad y la innovación resultan fundamentales.


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“You can heal your agency” includes a detailed analysis of the status of creative agencies in Latin America, analyzing the reasons why, in recent years, advertising agencies have not been able to change at the pace that the current business world demands. , that the industry requires, that customers demand and that employees need. In the text, concrete actions are proposed to improve margins, grow the business and close the gap between “doing” digital and “being” digital in a more diverse and dynamic advertising business that must perform in a world in which technology, agility and innovation are essential.

The emergence of the coronavirus has been a wake-up call for companies and individuals that had not yet modernized or transformed, and that had to forcefully adapt to work and operations formats that they had been denying for a long time. At this point we can say that, although it was not so difficult to change what seemed impossible, it has not been enough either.

The book brings digital transformation closer, demystifies it and makes it available to any company, trade or profession and encourages them to start the digitization of business without delay as the only way to succeed in a world in which changes are run from the start. back is no longer enough.

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